Call for Lego sponsorship / donation

Call for basically - in kind – Lego sponsorship / donation

To whom it might be interesting
aspiring and passionate for the knowledge,
transmitted through the Lego-construction works and games

Dear all,

I’m writing you, because even in Bulgaria the interest in Lego classes, although being slowly, is growing from day to day. But unfortunately the important events happen only in the capital of Bulgaria – Sofia. Only there are a few and very expensive, besides being - sporadic courses targeted directly in an eventual final phase – the Lego-robotics, but skiping the basic Lego-sets like the set "We do"  – which courses skip very important steps in inspiring children and teenagers for – mechanics-automatization and  ecologically saving energy products. And I believe – namely these topics learned and exercised through the Lego-games can give to the children more stable perspective in their development - in knowledge and practices.

Being independent educator and animator I’ve had a lot of difficulties to assemble different game packages from different producers /which weren’t always easy to build /in order to give at least an imaginary idea on the above mentioned topics I’ve learned in continuity and gradually with Lego. And having only a few original samples from Lego’s range of products /that means without a lot of possibilities to exercise with the children the construction-works with Lego/ - even that - I’ve tried to do all my best in order at least to demonstrate the range of capacity given by Lego–games – in order to direct the children’s attention into the possible final step – the Lego robotics courses /which, again and unfortunately in Bulgaria are with very limited places in there/.   

Therefore - me and some friends of mine, we’ve decided to make a little experimental studio, where if it’s possible, the Lego- sets to become the basics-ones /besides the other construction sets/. The Studio has to be “on the move”. As example - besides for the region of Sofia, it might be also for the regions of Sliven, Stara Zagora and Burgas and the satellite towns – where all the basics data-facts exist, like: professional schools in the fields of mechanics, electricity and electronics, mathematics and informatics, building construction and art and technological design.  

The range of topics – in correspondence with Lego packages /depending on the materials and sets which would be assembled/ might be as presented in the table below:
Sphere of knowledge
Possible Lego sample packages
Basics themes through the courses
Number of pupils/students envisaged
Number of Lego packages needed
Building movable constructions. Mechanics and Design. Ecology

Key words: ecology, professionally-disciplinary or/and interdisciplinary projects; elements of physics, mechanics, informatics for PC and Smart-Phones/ Tablets

1. Lego Klutz – 1 and 2 – /min. - 12 pack. from each of the 2 packages for pupils – max.- 24 pack.

2. Lego – We do – 1 and 2 – /min. - 12 pack. from each of the 2 packages for pupils – max.- 24 pack.

P.S. Please, see the List of samples at the end of the Call for in kind sponsorship 
1. looking on and learning from the nature - the movable Lego -parts and elements, which make imitate the nature and make move the constructions
2. the movable mechanisms in everyday life
3. from completing projects for building – until making own projects – from simple machines to the smart towns.
3. Other ways to invent things and to develop our-self and our environment – from products from other producers – until other ways to invent
10 pupils in classes – recommended for pupils from First to Third classes
Lego Klutz–1
Min 12 packages - max= 24 pack in total -12 packages by type of Lego-set to start the project immediately after receiving the sponsorships

Lego Klutz–2
 = in total -12 packages by type of Lego-set

Lego – We do–1
= in total -12 packages by type of Lego-set

Lego – We do–2
= in total -12 packages by type of Lego-set
From the technical buildings to the motorized constructions 

Key words: ecology, safety works, combinatory-skills, professionally-disciplinary or/and interdisciplinary projects; from physics, math and mechanics – until different types of batteries, motor-boxes, different kind of energy and sensors  - independently programmed or in link with possibilities to develop an ongoing changeable program/software

01. Lego Technic containing different elements –with which to be build easily a construction in a hour by 1 person /as example – building car, motor, truck, plane, hovercraft, boat…/
02. Lego-motorized models – proposed by Lego  - to be constructed in a hour by 1 person
03. building in groups by 3 person - some bigger Lego-Technic-motorized  models with IR and other sensors in it included –for 2 hours.
04.  Lego-pneumatics - building in groups by 3 person
01. types of Lego-elements, gears – in comparison with what kind of instruments we meet in our everyday life
02. principle rules to link the elements – how to make replace some missing parts – with other combinations of other elements.
03. Basic types of making rolling a construction
04. what about the sensors – where we meet them in our everyday life.
05. let’s doing things like in the real labs – about simple principles used in the area of physics, mechanics and a little-be math
05. what about the software
10 students in classes – recommended for students from Forth to Seventh classes
Lego Technic
12 mini models – containing interesting gears and particles– like motors, cars, trucks…+ 2 models in reserve + gears in reserve  = in total -14 packages by type of Lego-set + gears

Lego Technic -
4 big models – containing interesting gears and particles + 2 repeatable in reserve  = in total -6 packages of Lego-set +electric sets + gears, chains etc.

Lego motorized - 12 pack./models + 2 = in total -14 packages of Lego-set + gears – motors, cables and sensors in reserve

Lego-pneumatics - 4 pack. – containing interesting gears and particles + 2 repeatable pack. in reserve  = in total -6 packages of Lego-set + gears
Robotics – in everyday life and in the laboratories

Key words: safety works, professionally-disciplinary or/and interdisciplinary projects; mechanics – electronics – programming robots making – diff. possibilities
01. Lego Mindstorms
- LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Home Edition (#31313)

01.  following the instructions - following basic rules to build construction -robot
02. from models from the nature – until the models utilized in the manufacturing – to the smart-products and smart-cities - ideas 
03. building own idea
10 students  – recommended for students from sixth to tenth classes
Lego Mindstorms – 12 + 2 = in total -14 packages of Lego-set + +electric sets + gears, chains etc.

P.S. The min. Lego packages –for Sofia in order to start immediately the course might be – only 4 + 1
1. In order to diminish  the prices of all the consumables /lake battery, missing particles/ and the prices to all the printed materials, we’ve prepared in Bulgarian language/to be printed in color - which is always more inspiring for the children’s imagination/
2. And in order to diminish the transport costs between towns
 we’re looking also for 3000 EUR –  IBAN BG92 CECB 9790 10G4 0856 00 / CECBBGSF
The program might start immediately if the first and/or if the second point /in separately or in parallel/ of this table is accomplished
If only the second and/or the third points of the table are accomplished in parallel to the mentioned above – we shall be ready to start the courses the next month from receiving the packages. So we are ready to start introducing Lego-classes - by the middle of December 2016 – or in the beginning of January 2017 , which is the best period to making the classes in full capacity
Our starting capacity to make classes is the double number of the above mentioned in the table number of packages.
If there’s no enough financial sponsorships for the moment – and in order to test the capacity of interest towards this kind of Lego-classes - we shall proceed with black-white printed materials and with stationary studios. There would be materials for the moment on my personal site - – or links into the original URL addresses – in order to facilitate the participants – to look on the colored illustrations.
The Lego Sponsorship campaign will be closed after receiving all the materials required by point in the table! And we shall inform the independent volunteers to stop donate / to stop make sponsoring into the point in the table /or if occasionally - there’re some surplus of interest – we shall ask the sponsors – if possible – to send materials later on – or to organize a competition prize with the surplus of the Lego packages / 
N.B. Please, note that our possibilities to store packages are restricted for the moment into two depot-storages in two towns/ the maximum capacity is the double number of the above mentioned in the table number of packages / – so, please, before sending materials – call me, in order to make the logistics  
N.B. Please, do not hesitate to send us out-of-date Lego Sets – the important is that there’s instruction manual, no broken parts, /if some of the particles is missing /at least one of the models has to be made – and in the way you could send it to us
N.B. Please, note that it's depends on you – and in accordance with the laws of your country – if you’d like to make a donation or if it would be some sort of sponsorship
Hoping that together we could help and inspire a little community of children to use in an amazing way from the good Lego-practices,
I’m looking forwards to your support!
With best personal regards,
Aneliya Grigorova
+359 886 417 111 /also on Viber/ , e-mail: ,
Skype-user: Andjo,  Skype-name: andjoster 

Address for Sliven:
Kv.”Koliu Fitcheto” 8, app.8
8802 Sliven / Bulgaria
Address for Sofia:
jk.”Mladost- 3”, bl.-fl 368, entrance-2, app.4
1732 Sofia / Bulgaria

List of Lego samples

Lego – Klutz – 1 – Contraptions / B100 Crazy Action Contraptions

LEGO Chain Reactions: Design and build amazing moving machines (Klutz S) Spiral-bound

Lego –We do -1–construction set  /9580 LEGO DACTA - WeDo Construction Set /
Lego –We do -2-ASimple machines

Lego –We do -2 -B- STEM

Lego Education 9641 Mechanisms Pneumatics
LEGO 8044 -- Pneumatic Universal Set

42007 LEGO TECHNIC - Moto Cross Bike


42020 LEGO TECHNIC - Twin Rotor Helicopter
42023- LEGO TECHNIC - Construction Crew

LEGO-TECHNIC-42002- hovercraft

Lego Technic – 42032 Compact Tracked Loader
P.S. Preferably–the 12 pack. might be from the series 2 /models/ in 1 

LEGO 4094 Motor Movers
LEGO 4093 Wind Up

LEGO Set 4090-1 - Motion Madness

LEGO Set 4095-1 - Record and Play

P.S. The accent here is the diff. sets of motor devices, the sensors, the movements the constructions could make – the link with the everyday life, the range of compatibility of Lego constructions - from mp3–devices until the PC and tablet softwares   


Lego-technic - 42030-1: Volvo L350F Wheel Loader

Lego-technic 42042

Lego Technic - Cargo Plane - 42025

LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 Core set (#45544)


LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Home Edition (#31313)

Lego-technic - 8293

 sets of gears, chains etc.

Technic Universal Building Set, Multi Control Set, LEGO®Set 8082

Lego Technic - set8830
N.B. Please, do not hesitate to send us out-of-date Lego Sets – the important is that there’s instruction manual, no broken parts, /if some of the particles is missing /at least one of the models has to be made – and in the way you could send it to us

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